Note the change of name from Socioeconomic Benefits Community to GEOValue to better represent our long term focus.
Vision: A community focusing on understanding benefits from environmental information for complex socioeconomic decisions.
Geospatial information contributes to decisions by societal decision-makers, business leaders and individuals. More effective use of information is essential as issues become increasingly complex and consequences are critical for future economic and social development.
To achieve this vision, our “community” includes a wide range of natural science, social, economic, management, and communication disciplines.
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Join our LinkedIn site Socio-economic Benefits Community.
We also follow development and globalism in the world and often encounter language barriers when discussing certain topics, so we often use the service of private tutors.
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Socioeconomic status and language training: learning motivation14 Nov 2023 In terms of language acquisition, previous research has abundantly proven the relationship between motivation and learning methods. However, few studies have explored the effect of socioeconomic position on second or foreign language learning. The level of socioeconomic status affects not only the motivation in language learning of adolescents but also adults. These research results are used in planning and organising classes in business language training. |
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